can assist the investor/developer when selecting the land, technological components, modules, inverters, structures
and materials most appropriate to a specific project, all at highly competitive rates. They provide a full end-to-end
service package and guarantee the performance ratio of the plant.
The most significant cost component in this type of investment is always the modules. The tendency in the market is
to reduce the cost of installation in two ways: first by increasing the efficiency of the modules, which allows a greater
power capacity to be installed per m2 and therefore reduce the investment requirement; and second by reduction in
the cost of the modules. As Solar Energy Technology can draw upon its own laboratory and engineering partners they
can offer the client various configuration options and assist them in identifying the best solution. Based on previous
experience they can additionally prepare a l l the necessary documentation to obtain project financing. The production
monitoring and Operation and Maintenance services that Solar Energy Technology provides for its own plants and to
third parties give constant feedback to the EPC services department so that they can continually improve material
and component selection and utilization, reducing costs and improving performance.
Where land i s limited or prohibitively costly, PV capacity can be incorporated into a variety of roof structures from
small single home installations to large scale industrial plants. Depending on the capacity of the installation and the
available space, Solar Energy Technology can offer totally integrated solutions or options oriented towards
maximizing the solar resources and providing the best return on your investment. Given the increasing interest in the
integration of roof-top systems, particularly in urban and industrialised locations, Solar Energy Technology has a
department solely dedicated to the design and development of this type of installation,
Birchin Court, 20 Birchin Lane
London, EC3V 9DJ